Bug Sweep Warning: You need to make sure that whomever you hire has the right equipment, training and experience. Here is a list of questions you should ask anyone you are considering to conduct a TSCM bug sweep of your home, business, or vehicle:
The average dollar value of the professional TSCM bug detection equipment use by a technician to do a thorough bug sweep is usually $100,000 plus. Unfortunately, most private investigators promoting bug sweeps use spy shop equipment you could have purchased yourself for a few hundred dollars. Unfortunately, most spy shop devices are ineffective and simple RF detectors that will also detect radio stations, Wi-Fi routers, Bluetooth devices, and these might even belong to your neighbors. That’s why we don’t recommend buying such device as they will usually indicate the presence of some sort of signal.
The unique bug detection equipment used by professional TSCM technicians are very expensive and in most cases are the same used by many government agencies. Please understand that there is no single piece of equipment that can detect audio or video bugs. Also, hidden video cameras, telephone wiretaps, or GPS tracker hidden in or under a vehicle. Most professional TSCM technicians will use several unique government grade devices to conduct a comprehensive sweep. Our technicians will utilize the detection equipment they feel best suits your specific needs. Here is a list of detection equipment our technician will likely use on your sweep. Make sure that the sweep company you select is using similar equipment, or DO NOT hire them:
The most common industry standard spectrum analyzer is either the REI OSCOR Blue or OSCOR Green GHz. These devices will scan the radio spectrum from 10Khz to 24GHz and identify LIVE frequencies in the airwaves. The technician will take an outdoor reference scan and then compare it to one or more inside residence scans.
Similarly, analyzer will identify those signals that are stronger in the residence or target area. Also, which then need to be demodulate to determine the signal source or threat. There certainly are other spectrum analyzer manufacturers such as the REI OSCOR 5000. This is an older model that only scans up to 3Ghz (or 12GHz with the microwave down converter). Other analyzers include the Anritsu, Krestel, and Textronics. Therefore, just make sure that the spectrum analyzer they plan to use can scan frequencies to at least 8 Ghz. If they don’t have any of the units described above, DO NOT hire them! Read our Bug Sweep Warning.
Not all bugging devices transmit a radio signal such as a digital recorders, or the bugging device may be off during the sweep. Therefore, the NLJD is design to locate the presence of ANY electronic devices as small as a grain of rice. This is an extremely essential tool as the bugging device could be concealed inside furniture. As well as fixtures, or everyday devices that could easily be missed by a physical search. The most common NLJD is the REI Orion 2.4 or the Orion HGO-4000 . If your TSCM technician doesn’t have a NLJD, DO NOT hire them! Learn more about our Bug Sweep Warning.
This device is designed to conduct a comprehensive sweep and analysis of your telephone lines. With the advent of digital and VOIP telephone lines, old school test equipment is no longer sufficient. The TALAN is able to analyze, inspect and test digital telephone lines for taps and eavesdropping devices. The new VOIP analysis software allows the technician to test internet protocol packet traffic for source. It includes destination addresses, header type, and packet statistics. This device is essential for commercial or office bug sweeps, and is also best used on residence phone lines connected to local cable service.
This device is a high gain audio amplifier used to detect and identify certain types of surveillance devices attached to telephone wiring, LAN and server systems, AC power, and alarm wiring.
The most common are the REI CPM-700 and the REI ANDRE. Each of these devices are design to help the TSCM technician locate the source of RF (Radio Frequency) transmissions. The advanced kit will contain eight probes antennas for investigative specific bands within the optimized detection range. The technician can perform 10 tests using the various probes. If your TSCM technician does not have a CPM700 or an ANDRE, DO NOT hire them! also check our Bug Sweep Warning.
This amazing device will detect the active heat signature of a bugging device that may be hidden in the walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, fixtures, pillows, stuffed animals, and air vents. Your technician should be using a thermal camera to properly sweep the area.
This device allows the TSCM technician to look inside the air vents in a residence as well as those in a vehicle dash to detect microphones or covert video cameras. This will also allow the technician to view areas out of reach. Such as behind or under furniture, above cabinets, or other areas not easily accessible to the technician. If your TSCM technician does not have a video borescope DO NOT hire them!
The WolfHound Pro device will locate active hidden cell phones, GSM bugs, and GPS trackers. The direction antenna allows the technician to locate and detect cell phones. Either in standby mode, during active voice conversations, text or data transmissions, or live GPS tracking bursts. This is an essential device for detecting GSM bugs and GPS trackers.
As you can see from the list above, there is a significant financial investment to purchase these unique electronic detection devices. In addition, most of these sophisticated devices require as many as 40 hours each of manufacturer on-site training. This is to know, how to properly use and conduct through TSCM bug sweeps.
REI (Research Electronics International) is one of the most well known training facility located in Cookeville, Tennessee. They offer specific 3-5 day certificate courses for most of their products. Other training facilities include Jarvis Intelligence Solutions in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Kestrel in Canada, and World Institute for Security Enhancement in Wilmington, North Carolina. There are also many TSCM professionals who are government train. However, the mere fact that a technician is a former federal agent is not sufficient. Unless they are train in TSCM. Your technician should be able to provide proof of certificate training from any of these TSCM training facilities.
You will find that most seasoned professional TSCM technicians have more than 10 years full-time experience. While there are many excellent private investigators with years of proven TSCM experience. Most rarely do bug sweeps on a regular basis or they do sweeps on a part-time basis. Make sure that the technician you hire has several years of TSCM experience. You should cover our all warnings for bug sweep.
Professional TSCM technicians should belong to ERII (Espionage Research Institute International) and/or ASIS International.
Do not hesitate to ask the above questions. However, all our technician meet all the equipment, training, and experience requirements listed above.
Call us not at 888-808-4802 and let us provide you with an instant price quote.

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