Residential Bug Sweeps– Includes our experienced bug sweepers conducting a comprehensive TSCM physical and electronic bug sweep of your house, apartment, condo, dorm room, or even a hotel room.
Business Bug Sweeps – This TSCM business bug sweep covers conference rooms, executive offices, cubicles, conference rooms, telephones, and restrooms in your small or large business.
Vehicle Bug Sweeps – Our professional bug sweepers will search and find GPS trackers, on or off, on your vehicle. There are many different types of GPS trackers and vehicles, from family cars, SUV’s, business vehicles, delivery trucks, tractor-trailers, or any other mobile vehicle.
NOTE – Vehicle GPS tracker sweeps are only conducted in New Jersey unless we are already coming to your home or business.

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- Start and finish date provided (and it's usually the same day)
- Manufacturer-certified and trained installers for every single job
- Lifetime warranty on all materials
- Lifetime warranty on labor for as long as you live in your home
- Rubberized shingle that won't crack, delaminate, buckle or curl

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