It’s no surprise that the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) Washington, DC offices would be a likely target for some illegal listening devices. It is alleged that the DNC reported to the FBI that they suspected they had been bugged, but didn’t know who the culprits were. It is reported that TSCM bug sweep experts were brought in to check the DNC headquarters and that evidence was found suggesting that a listening device may have been in operation. There was n other information disclosed as to the type of device or where it may have been found.
It appears that this was not the first bug sweep to be conducted by the DNC this year. A bug sweep was conducted earlier in the year after there were suspicions that the Russian might have been bugging the DNC main offices. However, nothing was reportedly found.
This is a very busy time of year for professional TSCM bug sweep teams as political officials throughout the country hold confidential meetings to plan campaigns and discuss strategy. However, you don’t need to be a politician to be concerned about your confidential conversations and meetings.
If you are a business executive or professional, there is always a risk that you could be a target of electronic eavesdropping and that your confidential discussion could be compromised. Better to side with caution then to become a victim. Contact a professional TSCM bug sweep company and get a price quote today.