RF is the abbreviation for Radio Frequency. It is used to identify the frequency of transmitting devices. Radio stations, TV stations, two-way radios, cell phones, Bluetooth, and scores of other electronic devices emit a radio frequency. Bug sweepers will identify the presence of RF in a target area to determine if the signal is authorized and known. If not, a professional sweeping service company can use a spectrum analyzer to identify the frequency and demodulate the signal.
We maintain your confidentiality and protect the privacy of all our clients. Your identity is never revealed to any third party and all internal records are highly encrypted and secure. Our technicians have all signed Confidentiality Agreements and Non-Disclosure Agreements under sever civil penalties.
Since our company started, we have conducted professional bug sweeps in the homes of celebrities, politicians, corporate executives, and average citizens. We have never once had a single complaint or client concern that their privacy was ever violated. Remember, we inspect everything in a residence, from top to bottom. Our focus is strictly on the assuring your privacy and peace of mind. You will never hear us name drop or reveal the name of a client, famous or not.
We do not own or use any vehicles that contain any signage. Our technicians will normally arrive in a plain SUV or sedan. Our technicians also do not wear a uniform or clothing detailing a company name. Your privacy and confidentiality is our utmost concern.
Most of our clients suspect that their residence or business may be bugged, but often they are not. The only way to know if you are being watched, listened to or followed to to hire a professional bug sweep company to conduct a thorough TSCM inspection. We utilize more than 15 sophisticated electronic detection devices capable of finding an electronic device as small as a grain of rice from 1′-2′ away, even from behind an wall.
You as a client are paying for the actual bug sweep and we cannot guarantee the presence of eavesdropping devices, especially if there are none present. Our fee is for performing a comprehensive bug sweep. It should be noted that it is not uncommon for the sweep results to indicate that there are no bugging devices located within the inspected area on the day and time of the inspection.
Therefore, our fee is not contingent on any devices being found.
The first step is for you to speak with an experienced TSCM technician at 888-808-4802
. The technician will ask you several questions to determine your potential threat level. Your answers are completely confidential and will then result in the technician offering you recommendations on how best to proceed. We will not accept a sweep request unless we believe there are sufficient red flags to warrant a professional bug sweep. We don’t want to see you spend money unless it appears to be absolutely necessary.
The technician will then ask more questions to determine if a potential suspect might be a spouse, family member, ex-spouse, landlord, neighbor, or an absolute stranger. We will also ask about accessibility into your residence. Who has keys? Do you have an alarm system? If so, do you actually use it? Do you suspect that you are being watched, listened to or followed? Your answers will help to determine the vulnerabilities that exist and the likelihood that you are the subject of an eavesdropping device or GPS tracker.
The second step is the actual bug sweep. Our sweep team will arrive at your residence or business in an unmarked vehicle so as not to attract any attention. Our technicians do not wear uniforms so as not to bring attention to the team members walking about in front of others. The technicians will then roll in two large black Pelican cases which contain no less than 15 sophisticated electronic detection devices with a value in excess of $100,000. It should be noted that the number of technicians is dependent on the size of the sweep assignment.
The third step will be for the technicians to conduct an initial physical inspection to familiarize themselves with your location. An electronic inspection of the entire location will then commence using all of the various
we’ll be using. The technician will explain what each detection device does and you are encouraged to follow the technician around as the sweep is conducted.
Should any bugging device be found, it will be up to you as to how best to proceed. In most cases, our clients want us to call the local police so an incident report can be made and a detective can collect the bugging device found to be tested for fingerprints, which will ultimately identify the culprit. However, calling the police is completely up to you. The police DO NOT have to be called if you don’t want to. Our technicians are there for you and will follow your wishes. It should be noted that if the technician does find a bugging device deemed to be law enforcement, the sweep will immediately cease.
At the end of the bug sweep, the technician will go over the results with you and answer any questions you may have. For more information, simply speak with a technician,
Call Us at 888-808-4802
The easiest way to order a professional bug sweep is to first speak with a trained TSCM technician. He will provide you with a free telephone consultation and then determine the best recommendations to solve your specific problems. We do not employee salespeople. So, you will speak with an actual technician who also does not earn commissions or bonuses by scheduling a sweep.
Our technician will also be able to provide you with an instant price quote and be able to schedule a day and time that is mutually convenient. We can conduct bug sweeps on a morning, afternoon, or evening schedule. We can usually accommodate customers who need a bug sweep to be conducted on a weekend. Again, we are here to work with you and your schedule.
Go ahead and call us now for an instant quote, even if you don’t want to schedule a sweep.
You can reach us 24/7 at 888-808-4802.
It is very difficult to provide a specific dollar amount as there are many variables which determine the actual cost. A professional bug sweeping service will often charge based on the size of the target area along with other mitigating factors. They will also likely have a minimum charge and will not come out just to sweep one room. In may cases, a professional bug sweeper will charge anywhere from $1 – $2 per square foot of the total residence. The higher rate is often charged by bug sweep companies who have more extensive and sophisticated electronic detection equipment as well as the extensive background of the assigned TSCM technician.
While you may be tempted to hire a less expensive sweeper simply because of the price, you may be cheating yourself if the technician is using inferior and antiquated equipment, or he simply doesn’t have the experience and training. Be sure to read our
page before you hire any bug sweep company to educate yourself.
When calculating the square footage, you also need to include the basement and garage. If applicable, you’ll also need to add the square footage for a finished attic. A professional bug sweep requires that the entire residence be inspected as the transmitting device, recorder, or wiretap can be hidden ANYWHERE within the residence. Such devices are often found hidden in the basement, garage and attic concealed behind insulation, boxes, or above ceiling tiles.
In most cases, an average size house is usually around $3,500 and more for larger homes. The best way to get an exact price is to get a free instant price quote by calling our technicians at
TSCM simply stands for Technical Surveillance Countermeasures. Most most people are more familiar with the common street name, “bug sweep”. The TSCM term was originally developed by the US government to describe the process of conducting a physical and electronic inspection of a target facility. While the government conducts TSCM inspections of government facilities on a regular basis, this security detection method is also used by most businesses which need to protect valuable information. TSCM inspections are also conducted in the average residence when there is a suspicion that eavesdropping devices such as hidden video cameras may have been placed in a house or apartment.
A “bug sweeper” is a trained TSCM professional who uses sophisticated electronic equipment to detect hidden eavesdropping devices. The bug sweeper term is also synonymous with a TSCM technician or TSCM specialist, which is the professional terminology used within the industry. Most bug sweepers have extensive training and experience in the field of TSCM. You need to make sure that the bug sweeper you consider hiring has verifiable training and experience. A professional bug sweeper usually conducts more than 100 bug sweeps per years and has many years of experience. Private investigators who “occasionally” conduct a bug sweep here and there may simply have little or no professional training and are likely using old or very inexpensive bug sweep detection equipment.
The term “bug sweep” is most commonly used when referring to the process of conducting a physical and electronic inspection of a target location for the presence of hidden eavesdropping devices. These devices can include hidden video cameras, covert audio recorders, microphones, audio/video transmitters, hidden cameras, and covert security cameras.
The bug sweep term is also synonymous with Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM), which is the professional term used within the industry.
Warning – Before You Hire Anyone!
While cost will likely be a major factor in selecting a company or technician to conduct a professional TSCM bug sweep services, having the right equipment, training, and experience is more important. What good is it if you get a low price because they are using a cheap “spy shop” RF (radio frequency) detector that may only be able to detect RF bugging device only if its on? But, what if the device is off or was remotely turned off? That device would be worthless. Fortunately, professionals use tools that will detect bugs that are on or off.
Just because a person or agency promotes bug sweeps on their website it doesn’t mean they either have the right equipment, training or experience. Most professional TSCM technicians have more than $150,000 worth of sophisticated electronic bug detection equipment. They also have hundreds of hours of manufacture certified training and years of conducting TSCM bug sweeps on a full time basis. That’s why you need to know what questions to ask to identify true professional TSCM technicians and weed out private investigators with spy shop gear.